Monthly Archives: November 2015

Keeping Diligence

Taking to the street of motivation, realize there will be bumps along the way.  The road might be well-traveled or just cemented.  Either way, it will bring focus to finding the next intersection.  Then there will be a pause of a stop sign or a red light.  Please don’t get hung up on the small stuff because you’ll be on the go again before you know it!

Don’t just let motivation pass you by.  Have the wear with all to continue even when it doesn’t seem possible.  This takes an extra amount of courage found deeply inward.  Look within yourself when things mess up.  Sometimes it is an external problem, but so much of the time, the trouble can be solved within.  If you only try!

No one likes to admit that they’re incorrect or maybe they can improve.  Who me?  Yet, when we take critical advice to heart and DO something with it, reality takes a huge turn of improvement!  That very same reality might make you face your dream head-on.

Thinking Moments

A creative lifestyle is important because it takes different toughness to keep up the work.  Not everyone would agree, but the individual “colors” of success are on an individual basis.  Therefore, allowing too much of something could harm the entire idea.  Somehow the illogical solution(s) need to be weeded out to make the picture develop into an entire photograph.  Being old-fashioned can come from a little common sense.

Based on common sense, let’s talk about what is rational momentarily.  Some things are made more complex than they are.  For example, being thankful should be easy.  Yet, so many are rude and crude when it comes to this.  They push for their “own” way and pay little to no attention to what would be careful consideration for others.  In contrast, try to live every day more thankful than the day before by genuinely appreciating life and the people in your life.  Enjoy your stuff, too, but always make it secondary to folks.

Challenge yourself to utilize creativity to maintain thankfulness every day of the year, not just on turkey day.  Stop and take a moment out of each morning to think of something to be thankful for.  Do your best to think of people or situations, not things!  It is then, and only then, you’ll become thankful.  This is not an easy task because it takes a bit of tenacity to do it continually.  Make this work for you by making it a real heart passion, and then it will be easier.  Thankfulness then becomes a way of life, and it’s pleasing to think about.