All posts by Nicole Beaver

Escaping Ridicule

Doing what is beneficial can provoke some to mock that ideal.  Therefore, remember others who have dared the same feat.  If it is new territory, perhaps it is terrific, and the outcome will be so, also.  Let the facts remain in the halls of freedom.

Thoughtful Emancipation

The romance of a worldly view through the eyes of a stranger should stop.  However, learning firsthand for one’s self should be paramount.  Then perhaps ideas can change and become more flexible to reality.  Lastly,  the goals too would align with simple information.

Improvising Experiences

What is artificial will be seen in the light of truth.  One day those deeds will need answers.  Poor choices cannot be maintained forever.  There will be consequences of grand proportions derived from those decisions.  In these moments, quite possibly, the only remedy available will be to look up for eternal help.

Producing Joy

The magnitude of happiness hits when something suddenly changes the sequence of events.  It is at this moment when true treasures are realized.  The idea of life becomes focused on what is inevitable.  There is a reality in finding the strength to move ahead.