Diffusing Challenges

Learn to push the resources, or in other words, don’t allow the lack of capital to nullify your conclusion.  Gain independence from your troubles by depending upon your arduous labor.  Magnify solutions, not the many ways defeat is pronounced.  Up end or examine closely those things that can hinder sheer unadulterated courage.

Make and set up shop for understanding to reside.  Peacefully argue when the stakes are high and develop strategies to cope with each outcome.   Consider yourself distinct enough to take on tests in the route ahead.  Focus on good, then stand back and watch for brave answers.

Advanced Skills

Taking the many advanced moments and reeling them in takes time.  Sifting through the many kinds of fish takes a lesson in fishing from a wise source.  Don’t just run with the line.  Oh, no.  Take your time and be specific with an agenda.

Matters might be complex and need room to settle.  Allow for a little struggle, but never give up entirely.  Contest those things that seemingly annoy the outcome.  Address the very depths of the elements.  Then conquer on a grandstand the unified force and defeat the foe’s strength.

Although having a hard head alone doesn’t suffice.  Nope.  Take it all in stride.  Then turn around and keep striving for the best even when that is the last possible outcome.




Beyond Opportunities

Learning can be a very daunting thing.  Therefore, just obtaining the facts usually is not enough.  Sometimes experience and expertise are also needed to form a complete thought.  Chasing after an ideal goal is only remedied by tripping into circumstances that change the whole picture.

The grand scheme of things often needs rearranging to take the proper route of understanding.  Misjudging an occasion is upset that it should not be in the given ideological landscape.  Being able to take in new information freely and digest it can only mean the beginning of beautiful things.  Captivating and cultivating an audience takes a lot of choice by bouncing it around and setting it loose to choose a destiny.

Diversity cannot be replaced but grown into a lovely flower of possibility.  So much can be at stake that simply “watering” the plant alone is insufficient.  It also takes a pleasant environment of sunshine to sustain life.  Therefore, advancing procedures for peace can be complex but may very well be the core of expression.


Current Events

Be ready when answers come.  They always do come, and sometimes the simple things lead to further motivation or a decision.  The crowning event might just be doing what you feel is right.  The clock on the wall usually has much to do with the weight (wait) of the matter.

No one can determine the time it takes for answers (the right ones) to come.  Some don’t take the time needed to allow for the right circumstances.  Then they wonder why things don’t always go “as planned?”  In that instance, the best thing to do is start over.

However, nothing can stand in the way if the time is right and the decision(s) have been made.  It is time for the main event(s) to have freedom and run with the bold new idea!  It is like suddenly jumping to the front of the line after a long wait.  The anticipation has done the chore.


Being Okay

Sometimes it takes the most courage to find a way to deal with your difficulties up front and close at hand.  It is when stuff like this tries to get the best of us.  Giving up and surrendering is not an option.  Only true freedom can be found deep within the desire to move on.

It is the raging war within that seems so impossible.  Take heart and do the right thing even when no one seems to care, even when no one seems to be there!



Courage Runs

We don’t always see what we need to do.  It is like taking a kite out in the middle of the storm.  Everyone will discourage you.  They will always tell you how they “failed” and how it is not a good idea.  Or they will tell you “their” formula for success.  It may not be the best decision, but you must consider everything.

That depends on who holds the string.  How tight is the string?  What is the length of the string?  How thick is the string?  (You get the idea).  The one who holds the string has choices to make.

Those choices alone will determine the “fate” of that kite.  Will it fly through the storm?  Or will it fizzle with the atmospheric pressure?  It depends.  How much courage does it take?

Yet, courage doesn’t usually stand alone.  It has friends called character, diligence, and integrity too.  Courage is that tenacious grip on the string, not letting loose of that kite – way up there!  Courage finds strength when there is none.  Courage says, “Yes.”  When the current trend is “No.”

Courage is the one thing that often goes without food and runs hungry, seeking a single crumb.  That is because most need some.  I am not talking about stupidity.  No.  I am talking more along the likes of bravery.  That kind of courage makes folks back up and say, “Wow.  I’d like some of that, please.”



Getting Real

Many times the best thing to do is nothing.  Simply waiting can be the most difficult thing in the world.  Yet, it can “make us” or “break us” in a heartbeat.  In one fell swoop it can be “over” or “just beginning.”

Most of all the fast food version of life is not what is wanted.  It is usually well worth the wait for something great.  So get in line and let it just take time.  In the event of it being longer than expected (life usually is) continue with kindness towards others.  Continue with a smile.  Continue with a good sense of humor.  Life might depend on it.

To those who make life “difficult” for others – please… STOP.


Say, “Yes.”

Some say that the “secret” to success is such and such.  There is no secret.  It is out in the open.  There is nothing hidden that won’t be found out.

Yes, it does help to keep a positive and upbeat attitude but that is not always the reason(s) behind true motivation and success.  Try to do what works best for you.  It may not be what your neighbor does but it makes finding a good pathway easier for you.  Having an individual plan is sometimes as easy as just making a list.  Other times it might be a more complex struggle and require more thought.

Once you’ve established your footsteps on a path that leads to good things (honesty, integrity, and loyalty).  You’ll certainly be able to stay on that path if you endeavor to do so.  That is where real determination enters the picture.  It is one thing to be “motivated” and quite another to “do” what is needed.

It won’t always be an easy way.  There will be mountains, rivers, and even oceans to cross. The “destination” may seem impossible to reach but stay with the program.  Eventually, there will be welcome tides of change.  Then you’ll have to figure out just how to deal with all of the elation!

The Heartbeat

Realize there is never a time to call it “quits” or to say, “It is over simply.”  There will always or should always be a goal or two in place.  This keeps everything moving forward.  Sometimes, it is seemingly “easier,” but don’t rest.  Instead, only “reset.”

Be prepared for every challenge by taking it in stride.  Don’t hide from the facts.  Face them and go on.  Everything is “easy” when it is someone else.  However, take to heart the advice that is given and listen.  Then make your decision(s).


Get It

When the destination is finally “reached” don’t compromise on anything.  Keep the determination(s) flowing smoothly.  Like the environment enough to say, “Goodbye” to the past.  Let all systems read, “Go.”

Renew the vision and refresh with the welcomed change.  Hold back negative desires because they only produce pain.  Learn the new footsteps and keep the rhythm of victory buzzing.  Drown out all fear(s) by running a little ahead to fetch the coveted “prize.”