Running Courage

Something unique happens when we become brave enough to face every obstacle, no matter how far we jump.  The race starts slowly at first.  Until the gust of oxygen carries us far.  Soon we speed up with wisdom, discretion, and grace.  We move along quickly and have the timing needed to win.  Except opponents begin to crowd us at our heels.  Now it’s at this point; we can quit or move forward with even more effort.  The choice is sweet because destiny says, “Come on, you can do it.”  So the decision has been made in a flash.  All that’s left to do is dare another super hurdle!

When we become strong, nothing stops us, and we quickly move on.  The going is the easy part.  Maintaining the momentum started is a little more challenging, but that, too, can be done.  Taking in a deep breath is sometimes needed at this point.  Exhale and give the lungs time to adjust and take in the new surroundings of modest advancement.

Leveling up or becoming successful is a goal of the masses.  What separates those who do from those who don’t (become successful) is patience and determination.  Then knowing when to use which one, of course, is helpful.  Don’t forget your good judgment because that may be the critical factor that sets you apart.

Continuing on.

Invigorated by a slight pause, one realizes it’s just a stepping stone to the final destination.  However, the journey has taken a toll, and weariness seems to come from every direction.  The only thing possible at this point is not to give up!  “So close,” says the heart.  Therefore, every other part musters its strength as if to say, “Done.”  Then the champion emerges with the energy to make the final mark.

When the finish line is within view, you must look closer at yourself to win the race.  Profound information is essential for achievement to occur.  You can grasp a sweeping triumph by handling the will, emotions, and thoughts delicately.  However, let it be broad and touch the lives of many with a positive force.  Don’t keep happiness tucked away.  Share your conquest with ordinary folks who need encouragement.  You will be glad you did.

Part of the definition that you can think about the “will” is the following: “power by which the mind decides upon and directs its energies, to carry out an action1. ” Therefore, the resolve and passion lift you and carry you across the race’s end.  You can only get there by having the proper determination and appropriate attitude to do the task.  You will make the correct decisions in your life, which will see you through to the right destination.

Oh, the emotions are touch and go.  Yet, with a bit of fine-tuning, your feelings can be harnessed.  It’s like having a bowl full of water and trying to run rapidly with it.  The water will splash out unless you go slowly.  The same is true of our excitement.

At last, our thoughts need special care and consideration.  Our speculations have to be on track to accomplish the rigorous tasks ahead.  It’s probably about now that the race is going uphill with the weight of the world.  Ease up and release that thing!  Whoa.  Take a deep breath and recalculate your movements.

1 Scribner-Bantam English Dictionary

Thinking: “Done?”

At the very least, it’s easy to give up.  When we think: “Oh, I can’t take any more of this.”  (The sure steadfast zeal rises to the top and declares:) “I can do it.  Surely it’s not far now!”  While victory looms on the horizon watching with elation.  Ready for a proper celebration?

It is always the last few feet of an event that gets really difficult and out of control.  We just about lose all our efforts in one little breath.  Don’t be tempted to give in to your frustrations.  No.  Instead, picture yourself doing the impossible task – and you will.  You have come this far!

The inclination inside your heart and mind won’t stop.  Until the undertaking is complete, advance yourself in a forward motion.  You can and will do what you anticipated.  Be full of the kind of audacity it takes to win.

Your enormous gain is observing yourself defeat your foe.  Yes, it is on a very, very intimate level now.  That’s probably why there seems to be so much resistance.  Learn to take to the “battle” within because, so much of the time, that’s where the real solution resides.  Stand atop of your circumstance figuratively (not literally).

In the last loop, sketch how you’ll proclaim your adoration.  Find a place for your mind to “rest” assured of the outcome.  It doesn’t even have to be accurate, but it will carry you through to the final mark.  Then those things you’ve so longed for will have a home.  Just keep going!

Fully Expectant

One of the most challenging things is staying focused and positive.  When everything around us seems to be doing the opposite, we can remain calm.  It is times like these that we indeed show who we are.  Everything good or bad about us seems to surface, and we can learn by becoming even better if we choose.  Taking the route of doing exceptionally can cause things to land in their proper place.  We can trust our fate to goodness, after all.  It just takes time.

By letting go of all the pressure, we can maintain our calm.  It is almost like turning your back on problems.  Acknowledge the trouble but don’t let it get under your skin to allow it to cause pain.  The idea is to set yourself apart and keep going through the obstacle.  It may not be easy, but it is possible.

Usually, we want nothing more than to cave into our humanness.  Quite honestly, it is a mistake of grand proportions to fall into the trap of self-pity.  It is the easy way out.  Knowing that alone should cause you to gain control over yourself in this area.

You can choose to win.  You can choose to lift yourself moderately.    Find a way to reflect and ensure you’re not caught up in pride.  Nor are you eager to go into a nearby ditch!

Being phenomenal is doable.  There is no formula.  There is no set of instructions.  So much of the time it’s like being in a dark tunnel in which only grace will carry you through!

Goodness Hits

Sometimes, we must evaluate our actions to make the best decision.  We are surrounded by choices even when it doesn’t seem we have a way out.  Many times the best thing to do is to wait patiently.  However, while we wait, we can take inventory and sort out our problems.  Taking each one at a time.  Discovering where we may have made a mistake?  Then we can move on.  Challenges will come.  Challenges will go.  Yet, if we take it all in stride, we will one day grasp the courage to do just what seems impossible.

When we gauge precisely what’s going on, we can get overwhelmed by all the situations.  Therefore, you’ve got to learn to master all the junk floating by.  Sometimes just let it go.  Sometimes you have to get involved and filter through it carefully for the sake of others.  No matter how difficult it gets, don’t sink in the quicksand(s) going on all around you!  Find a way to stand on the ground and get out of there!

With your downtime, you can choose to make it work for you. You’re thinking completely out by setting your heart and mind on someone else in a positive fashion.  Go be of use to them in a good light.  Fully develop your character and integrity.

When something goes wrong, admit it and move along.  Change your mind in the process or despite your very own life.  Pick up your own feet and be a responsible individual.  Even if no one else is doing so.  Again, set yourself apart from the masses and be contented with your future!

No Doubt

We live in a world where nothing is ever easy.  Therefore, we’ve got to endeavor to live in a way that fosters marvelous things.  Work has a pay-off, and for that, be very thankful.  Sometimes the attitude keeps everything going steadily and makes life bearable.  While we skirmish, there is always the possibility of getting past all the negativity.  It is a day at a time and a process.  When we come out of the tunnel, it’s like a vast new beginning, and that’s what we have to look forward to.  It is okay to get excited!

It is with some effort that we become terrific at what we do.  We can strive to accomplish good things if we only try.  So much of the time, we sit and watch T.V., play on our phones, or play a computer game.  However, it is good to have balance and equal time in many constructive activities when we can be doing so much more, like reading a book or picking up a musical instrument.  Does everything have to be done on the computer?  What about the good ole classic painting?  Not to mention an antique or two?  Yes, it is all good! The real answer is we need both to work together.

The approach you have in life really, really matters.  We all know the person with an “I don’t care attitude.”  They usually achieve very little in life.  On the other hand, we want to do a great deal and go beyond the norm.  However, you also need to set attainable goals that can be reached while you are on your way to your big dream.  Discover who you are along the way, and enjoy the trip!

There will always be antagonists along the way.  You can put them in their place (which can be done with tack).  Or you can use their constructive criticism if they have any.  The most important thing is how you treat them because it can only test your very own character!  Never let them steal your goal by blocking you.  In the process of everything, keep your joy because it will carry you far.  Be true to who you are.  Overcome whatever situation may cause harm.

We can also be elated when the end is near.  We always want to err on the side of caution.  Take out your umbrella of justice for when it rains but also be prepared for every flower that blooms along the way.  Remember, you are on the footpath of your very own dreams.  No one else is going to understand.  So you’ve got to remain calm in the midst of whatever storm breezes in.

Life Wins!

In some rare cases in life, we are given a second chance.  We can’t go backward, but we can achieve our goals.  Life is seldom perfect.  So we have to make the best of it and keep going.  We also can make a difference in the lives of others.  Perhaps that’s the greatest joy? Seeing them rise to the top!

Opportunities can sometimes be missed on purpose or by accident.  We thoroughly disappoint ourselves at times, too, by not being fully prepared in time.  Or, maybe our judgments were impaired, and we made a wrong decision?  At the wrong time?  That, my friend, can set you back for years, even to the point of eliminating your goals.  Oops seems almost out of place here, but it happens.

The best thing you can do at times like these is to take the shattered dream and begin to sing right on through the misery.  Begin to say, “Yes, I can do this!”  Pick yourself up from the floor and dare to believe in yourself no matter what’s gone wrong or for how long.  You might be thinking out loud, “That’s impossible because it can’t be done.  It’s too far gone.”

You might be right.  However, “What if” is still hanging out there!  The real question is, what do you do now?  Where’s my courage now?  The fact remains it could be a miracle.  It could be your second chance because that is entirely possible.

If life were perfect, it would be like this or that?  However, we live in a natural and cold world sometimes.  The truth of what’s in you will come out.  So all you can do is fix what’s hidden.  Repair what’s within: the part(s) that no one sees.  Maybe you’ve been empty for years?  No joy?  No life?  No real triumph.  Only pain and heartache?  The “What if” remains to be seen.

Find a way, even a small way, to make progress.  Be realistic in your approach but don’t surrender your “What if” because that question needs to remain tall.  Also, don’t take “comments” from the corner of defeat, even though that would be logical and easy to do.  No.  Be different and pick yourself up from the fall.

It is only when we meet the end that the real beginning starts.  Take your grace and seek the refuge of justice.  Starve revenge because that’s never the answer.  It only creates more pain.  If necessary, clean your “closet” repeatedly to prepare for the day when your victory comes.  Yes.  The day when your success comes because it will.  It just might surprise you with triumphant truth from within.